Form elements
Component example
HTML Markup
<label class="wmre-fe-label" for="genericInput">Form label</label>
Component example
How would you...?
HTML Markup
<h3 class="wmre-fe-question">
How would you...?
What does it do?
Allows users select one or more options by clicking the box.
When to use it?
- When user can select multiple options from the list
- When user wants to toggle option on or off
When not to use it?
- When user needs to add a lot of text that might go over multiple lines
- Use fixed width inputs for content that has known length, e.g. postcode.
Component example
HTML Markup
<div class="wmre-fe-group">
<fieldset class="wmre-fe-fieldset">
<legend class="wmre-fe-fieldset__legend">
<h3 class="wmre-fe-question">
How would you...?
<div class="wmre-fe-checkboxes">
<span class="wmre-fe-checkboxes__desc">
Select all options that apply
<label class="wmre-fe-checkboxes__container">
Option 1
<input class="wmre-fe-checkboxes__input" value="Option 1" checked="checked" type="checkbox"/>
<span class="wmre-fe-checkboxes__checkmark">
<svg class="wmre-fe-checkboxes__icon">
<use xlink:href="#wmre-general-checkmark" href="#wmre-general-checkmark"></use>
<label class="wmre-fe-checkboxes__container">
Option 2
<input class="wmre-fe-checkboxes__input" value="Option 2" type="checkbox"/>
<span class="wmre-fe-checkboxes__checkmark">
<svg class="wmre-fe-checkboxes__icon">
<use xlink:href="#wmre-general-checkmark" href="#wmre-general-checkmark"></use>
<label class="wmre-fe-checkboxes__container">
Option 3
<input class="wmre-fe-checkboxes__input" value="Option 3" type="checkbox"/>
<span class="wmre-fe-checkboxes__checkmark">
<svg class="wmre-fe-checkboxes__icon">
<use xlink:href="#wmre-general-checkmark" href="#wmre-general-checkmark"></use>
What does it do?
Navigation expands when user hovers or clicks on it revealing options to select.
When to use it?
- When there is limited space and you need to reduce the space taken on the page
- When an input is nonessential, e.g. sorting list
- When you need flexibility because you do not know how many options there will be. All options are contained within the drop down component.
When not to use it?
- Drop down creates more work for your user because it is a multi-step process, they hide available options and they slow users down by defaults therefore if possible use another component to display options e.g. radio buttons, text field, input selector
- Do not use when drop down option has more than 36 characters because users will not be able to read them on some mobile devices
Component example
HTML Markup
<div class="wmre-fe-group">
<div class="wmre-fe-dropdown">
<label class="wmre-fe-label" for="dropdown">Dropdown label</label>
<select class="wmre-fe-dropdown__select" id="dropdown" name="dropdown">
<option value="" selected="selected">Choose from list</option>
<option value="1">Option 1</option>
<option value="2">Option 2</option>
<option value="3">Option 3</option>
<option value="4">Option 4</option>
<option value="5">Option 5</option>
What does it do?
Allows users to enter text.
When to use it?
- When user needs to enter short amount of text, e.g. name, email.
When not to use it?
- When user needs to add a lot of text that might go over multiple lines
- Use fixed width inputs for content that has known length, e.g. postcode.
Component example
HTML Markup
<div class="wmre-fe-group">
<label class="wmre-fe-label" for="input">Input label</label>
<input class="wmre-fe-input" id="input" name="input" type="text"/>
What does it do?
Allows users select one option from multipled fixed options
When to use it?
- When the user can select just one open from multiple options
When not to use it?
- When the user may need to select more than one option
- When the user may need to enter their own 'other' option
Component example
HTML Markup
<div class="wmre-fe-group">
<fieldset class="wmre-fe-fieldset">
<legend class="wmre-fe-fieldset__legend">
<h3 class="wmre-fe-question">
How would you...?
<div class="wmre-fe-radios">
<span class="wmre-fe-radios__desc">
Select one option
<label class="wmre-fe-radios__container">
Option 1
<input class="wmre-fe-radios__input" value="Option 1" checked="checked" name="radio-example" type="radio"/>
<span class="wmre-fe-radios__checkmark">
<label class="wmre-fe-radios__container">
Option 2
<input class="wmre-fe-radios__input" value="Option 2" name="radio-example" type="radio"/>
<span class="wmre-fe-radios__checkmark">
<label class="wmre-fe-radios__container">
Option 3
<input class="wmre-fe-radios__input" value="Option 3" name="radio-example" type="radio"/>
<span class="wmre-fe-radios__checkmark">
Component example
HTML Markup
<div class="wmre-fe-group">
<label class="wmre-fe-label" for="textarea">Textarea label</label>
<textarea class="wmre-fe-textarea" id="textarea" name="textarea" rows="3"></textarea>
Handling errors
Component example
HTML Markup
<div class="wmre-fe-group wmre-fe-group--error">
<label class="wmre-fe-label" for="errorExample">Input label</label>
<span class="wmre-fe-error-message">This is an example error message</span>
<input class="wmre-fe-input wmre-fe-input--error" id="errorExample" name="errorExample" type="text"/>