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Inset Text

Inset Text

What does it do?

  • Allows users to identify important content on the page as they scan the page.

When to use it?

  • When you have content that needs to standout from what's around it, such as a quote, example or additional information.

When not to use it?

  • In close proximity to visually prominent elements. Users don't notice it.
  • To highlight important information that is key to the transaction/service or time critical. Use Warning Text instead.

How to use it?

  • Use inset text sparingly. They're less effective if overused.
  • Users with visual disabilities may not be able to see the colour that helps it stand out. Instead, they may rely on a hidden label to recognise it. Hide Information: inside the Inset Text div so that users with screen readers understand this information is different to body text.

Component example

Example of inset text

HTML Markup

<div class="wmre-inset-text" >
    Example of inset text

Example Callout

What does it do?

  • Highlight a contextual example to provide help users understand the broader page content.

When to use it?

  • When a contextual example might help the user understand the information.

When not to use it?

  • When the information is simple enough for our user's to understand. Don't give an example for the sake of it.

How to use it?

  • Use a concise heading that a user can easily scan and understand.
  • Make sure the heading is relevant to both the content it's supporting and the context it is providing in the main body text.
  • Add an aria-label to the parent Example Callout div so that users with screen readers understand that the information is important.

Component example

Example Callout title
Example callout description.

HTML Markup

<div class="wmre-inset-text"  aria-label="Example Callout" >
    Example Callout title<br>Example callout description.